771 US HWY 90 West
DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
24 Hour
Fuel Options
Regular, Midgrade, Premium, e85, Diesel
Beer, Café, Fresh Yo!, Restrooms, CEFCO Kitchen, Coffee, Food Menu
CEFCO #417 DeFuniak Springs, FL
771 US HWY 90 West
DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
24 Hour
Regular, Midgrade, Premium, e85, Diesel
Beer, Café, Fresh Yo!, Restrooms, CEFCO Kitchen, Coffee, Food Menu
CEFCO #417 DeFuniak Springs, FL
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CEFCO Convenience Stores is a place where team members have a commitment to make each store the very best. We offer great opportunities for growth and success to all levels of high-performing employees.